Sunday, December 27, 2009

My first doll (in a long, long time)

Having a baby niece is awesome!

Here Gretel is playing with the doll that I made her. I forgot to take a picture before the doll was wrapped, so I'll have to see if I can get another picture of her! She has a velour body, wool yarn for hair, an embroidered face, and a cotton and linen dress with ribbon sewn on the hem of the dress.

I think the last time I made a doll, it was for myself and I was about 10 years old. Making this doll for Gretel, I was working from memory of the doll patterns that I've been seeing popping up everywhere, especially Autumn's cute dolls. She sells the pattern at Bolt, but when I started the doll, it was late at night and there was no way for me to get it!

1 comment:

Steph said...

I understand! I have a niece (she's two now) and have loved making things for her! Plus - I've learned a ton along the way, like how to gather and do pleats.